
TACA Grassroots – Public Outreach Program will include the following subcommittee activity areas:

Educational and Informative Activities: Organizing educational and informative workshops, discussion panels, and presentations on Turkish American issues; educating our children, young Turkish Americans about Turkish culture and history to prepare them against negative portrayal of Turks and Turkish Americans in the community; encouraging Turkish American community to actively watch for any defamation activity and organize to discuss accusations or answer questions if needed.

Federal, State and City Level Monitoring Activities: Monitoring federal, state and city level legislation and activities at the Governor’s and Mayor’s Offices regarding Turkey and other related events; attending meetings and tracking the City Council agenda if necessary; arranging visits with congressional and Illinois State representatives; etc.

Education System, Curriculum, and Library Monitoring: Monitoring the Illinois education system and curriculum at college, high school, and lower levels to ensure fair and accurate presentation of Turkish history.

Print, Broadcast, and Online Media Monitoring: Monitoring local print, online and broadcast media and organizing our local community to respond to news stories and programs by distributing “talking points”

We need volunteers to serve in subcommittees to support all our activities to help our community to become better advocates. Please contact us and let us know in which area you would like to participate and help.